Vanilla and Blueberry Flavour Pattern in blueish purple color with round stamp cut outs at the top
Haagen Dazs Macaron Vanilla and Blueberry Stickbar with a bite taken out


哈根達斯與法國甜點大師 Pierre Hermé 的驚豔新作,絲滑濃郁的香草冰淇淋,與濃郁黑醋栗醬和酸甜藍莓醬完美搭配,佐以外酥內軟的馬卡龍,為濃郁與清新帶來精緻平衡。獨特風味的巧妙融和,以法式優雅驚豔味蕾。
A blue Macaron resting on a Vanilla flower and a Blueberry

嚴選上乘品質 品味不凡

講究每一口的品質,堅持嚴選原料。以新鮮奶油、牛奶、砂糖與雞蛋為基底,打造出絕佳風味。 瞭解更多

  • Nutrition Facts